- Rhino seen at Etosha View hunting in Namibia. I think I almost got this photo right.
- Blue wildebeest hunted at Etosha View in Namibia. Best one for the year in 2013.
- Burchell zebra trophy hunted at Etosha view in Namibia.
- Some hunting is on current cattle farms, some is on former cattle farms that are now exclusively for game safaris.
- Gemsbok are frequently seen here.
- Giraffe see far across the plains near Etosha National Park.
- Rhino thrive in the area around Etosha National Park. It is a thrill to be near them.
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Near Etosha National Park are many farms. Some are now exclusively game safari farms, while a few continue the tradition of cattle farming. Here there is often a chance to come face to face with lion.
Lodging in this area is in established lodges.